

Please note: This is a FREE theme offered by Restored 316, LLC and does not include support. This theme is super bare bones and is incredibly easy to get up and going in just a few steps. These instructions below will get you going with this theme!

Step 1: Install the following plugins

For help on installing plugins, see here

Step 2: Install the Fresh theme and activate it

For help on installing themes, see here

Once you install and activate this theme, your home page will automatically format the way you see here on this demo. If your images are all misaligned and not properly fitting into the spaces, you’ll want to proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Regenerate Thumbnails

If your images are all misaligned and not properly fitting into the spaces, you’ll want to install and run thea Regenerate Thumbnails plugin. Navigate to Tools>Regen. Thumbnails and hit the “Regenerate all thumbnails” button. Once that finishes running, all your images will now fit properly.

Step 4: Import Widgets (optional)

For help installing the widgets, see here

To get the widgets into place, we provide an export file that you can upload. You’ll go to Tools>Widget Importer & Export and browse these theme files within the XML folder for the fresh-widgets.wie file and then import.